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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery FIRST -World`s Events «-» Events_World 2009 Photo Gallery «-» 2009_Miss_World Contestants, South Africa Final, Loredana Salanta repr. Romania «-» 20MW ACTUAL NEWS Miss World in London- sightseeing trip for Miss World Contestants 2009
20MW ACTUAL NEWS Miss World in London- sightseeing trip for Miss World Contestants 2009O seara incredibila pentru Concurentele Miss World 2009 Concurentele Miss World 2009 au ajutat la strangerea a peste 400.000 dolari pentru Fondul Variety International Children`s. Luni seara (9 Noiembrie) 120 de natiuni reprezentate la concursul Miss World s-au reunit pentru o seara de caritate - Miss World Charity Dinner, în ajutorul Fondului Variety International Children`s. Oaspeţii au fost invitaţi la Grosvenor House Hotel din Londra pentru o seara fantastica de divertisment de clasa mondiala si pentru a vedea concurentele Miss World din acest an, pe scena pentru prima dată. Invitaţii au fost uimiti la prezentarea pentru licitatia organizata. a spectaculoaselor cadouri aduse de Concurentele Miss World 2009, finalistele mondiale. Concurentele Miss World 2009 au fost prezentate pe scena în grupurile, dupa care s-au alaturat la mesele invitaţilor lor pentru cina. În tmp ce invitaţii au cinat, pe ecrane gigant s-au prezentat imagini din Johannesburg, destinaţia finală a inca unei spectaculoase Finale Miss World , dupa ce in 2008 gazda a fost toto Johannesburg, Africa de Sud. Corul Wycombe Orfeu a intretinut oaspeţii , iar Lindiwe Mahlangu CEO al Companiei de Turism Johannesburg, a ţinut un discurs in care a exprimat entuziasmul de la Johannesburg, in asteptarea gazdurii Finalei Mondiale Miss World 2009, pentru a doaua oara consecutiv şi Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal 2010. Licitatia de Caritate a culminant spre seara, cu daruri din ţările concurente aduse in atentia invitatilor, fiecare adjudecandu-si obiectul dorit sub validarea ciocanelului specific. Cadourile din acest an au fost cele mai bune care s-au văzut vreodată, in istoria Miss World, continand o vacanţă de lux in Bahamas şi o placă de surf din Trinidad Tabago, cu autograful legendarului Brian Lara. Alte premii incredibile, au inclus un colier rar din Noua Zeelandă şi pantofii de sport ai celebrului Usain Bolt, sprinterul de trei ori medaliat cu aur olimpic şi cel mai rapid om de pe planeta, din Jamaica, care a adăugat un incredibil 13000 $ pentru a fondurilor adunate pentru Fondul Variety International Children`s. Concurenta din Bahamas a donat un sejur pentru două persoane, incluzand zborul si cazarea în ţara ei de origine. Rusia a adus o serie de papusi special pictate cu chipul Miss World 2008, compatrioata ei, Xenia Shukinova, la gama de premii spectaculoase oferite, o pasare emu-calling din Australia, un costum national din România, o păpuşă traditionala din Slovacia, Cercei Swarovski din Belgia, medalii oficiale ale Campionatului Mondial de Fotbal 2006 din Germania, o brosa traditionala din Guyana, o pernă celtica din Irlanda, precum şi un colier manual din Venezuela. Artistii de la Musical-ul Grease au închis seara, cu o selecţie de melodii de la unul dintre cele mai populare spectacole prezentate acum in West End. Toţi participanţii si toate Concurentele Miss World 2009 au avut o seara de neuitat şi au reusit impreuna sa adune un total uimitor de 450.000 dolari pentru Fondul Variety International Children`s.. Toate veniturile din licitaţie vor fi donate pentru Fondul Variety International Children's şi evenimentul speră să ridice 1 milion dolari pentru a sprijini medicale, nutriţionale şi de programe educaţionale în Africa de Sud, Haiti, Palau, Filipine, Ghana şi India. 120 miss world nations bring gifts to london for special auction miss world charity dinner a storming success sightseeing trip for miss world contestants *120 Miss World nations bring gifts to London for special auction, amazing Miss World prizes revealed It was announced last month that November 9 will see the Miss World contestants fly in to London for a very special event to begin the five week festival leading up to the final in South Africa. The Miss World Charity Dinner will bring all 120 finalists to London for a night of International fundraising and world class entertainment. During the event will be a unique auction. All 120 young ladies will donate an exclusive gift from their home country. Jamaica’s Kerrie Baylis will be bringing some signed running shoes from fellow countryman Usain Bolt. The sprinter is a three time Olympic gold medallist and the fastest man of all time holding world records for both the 100m and 200m events. Another sporting gift comes from Trinidad and Tabago’s Ashanna Arthur who will offer a signed cricket bat from the legendary Brian Lara. Lara, who is widely regarded as the best batsman of all time, holds the records for the highest individual score in first-class cricket and the highest individual score in a test innings. England’s Rachel Christie has provided autographed memorabilia from Olympic gold medallist Linford Christie and a 3 night luxury spa break in the UK. Bahamas’ Joanna Brown has donated an amazing holiday for two with flights and accommodation to her home country. And Russia’s Ksenia Shipilova has added a special hand-painted Miss World Russian doll to the array of spectacular prizes on offer. Other gifts include: an emu-caller from Australia, a traditional dress from Romania, a Slovak doll from Slovakia, Swarovski earrings from Belgium, official medals of the FIFA World Cup 2006 from Germany, a gold nugget plaque from Guyana, a Celtic cushion from Ireland, and a handmade necklace from Venezuela. Each guest attending the dinner will be in with a chance of winning these amazing prizes and the many more from all other Miss World countries. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Variety International Children’s Fund and the event hopes to raise $1 million to support medical, nutritional and educational programmes in South Africa, Haiti, Palau, Philippines, Ghana and India. *Miss World 2009 Group Challenge announced- Miss World will showcase South Africa’s efforts to save their most endangered species * Ksenia models for Valentino at L.A. Fashion Week * Miss World athletes anticipate Sports Final Challenge * Crowds rush to get glimpse of Miss World at China final * Miss World arrives in China! * Ksenia spends time at home in Tyumen, Siberia * 120 finalists travel to London for Miss World Charity Dinner * Ksenia graduates from university with top degree * Ksenia Sukhinova featured on front page of Glamour Magazine *Miss World athletes anticipate Sports Final Challenge- Sporting talent in abundance at Miss World 2009 * Crowds rush to get glimpse of Miss World at China final * Miss World arrives in China! * Ksenia spends time at home in Tyumen, Siberia * 120 finalists travel to London for Miss World Charity Dinner * Ksenia graduates from university with top degree * Julia Morley presents Sunshine Coach to Pak Tin Children's Centre * Miss World meets founding "Basher" in Australia’s outback * Ksenia Sukhinova makes a new friend at Sydney Children’s Hospital * Miss World arrives in Australia * First details of 2009 Miss World Festival announced * Ksenia Sukhinova goes city hopping in the South of France * Miss World to visit Australia for Variety National Bash * Miss World meets 100 year old care home resident in Wales * Miss World films "The Big Race" TV show in Metz, France * Miss World sees Miss England and Miss Wales crowned LA LONDRA, Pe 09 Noiembrie 2009, puteti sustine atat castigatoarea `Miss World Romania` cat si strangerea de fonduri cu scop caritabil pentru Variety International Children`s Fund , eveniment realizat de MISS WORLD, al carei slogan este `Frumusete pentru un scop`beneficiind de un program de cea mai inalta clasa, alaturi de toate cele 120 de concurente ce vor lua startul in a 59-a editie s MISS WORLD: Miss World Charity Dinner Grosvenor House, London Monday 9th November In aid of Variety International Children`s Fund Welcome to London`s Celebration Miss World has done so much to support children all over the world through its theme ‘Beauty With A Purpose`. What better way to begin the 59th Miss World Festival than with a sensational evening of international fundraising and world class entertainment. Miss World finalists from 120 nations will be introduced at The Miss World Charity Dinner. Variety International, known as “the world’s biggest showbiz charity” has raised over $1.6 billion since it began in 1928. All monies raised are in aid of the Variety International Children`s Fund and the event hopes to raise $1 million to support surgical, nutritional and educational programmes in Haiti, Palau, Philippines, Ghana and India. The Evening Will Include The Big 5 Auction: Five incredible travel experiences, including the FIFA World Cup Final Package (first-class flights, five star hotels and two tickets to the Final of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in Johannesburg) and the Ultimate Golf Package (2 weeks coaching at the breath-taking Legends Resort in South Africa, including 30 lessons and a guaranteed handicap. We have even arranged one year`s membership of St. Andrews Golf Club in Scotland). World Gifts: Each of the Miss World Contestants will be donating a special gift from their home country that could be yours to take home. World Class Design: 120 Miss World nations will be presented on stage, each wearing a dress created by a local designer from their own country. World Class Entertainment: To celebrate in style, we have a superb line-up of top name talent. A wonderful opportunity to celebrate the festive season. Join us for a night of fabulous fashion and fun-filled entertainment! Information: Cocktails 6.30pm / Dinner 7.30pm Dress: Evening / Black Tie / £2000 per table of ten, plus one national winner. Contact: E-mail: Telephone: 0207 820 0111 / Fax: 0207 735 1133 MISS WORLD - BEAUTY WITH A PURPOSE, concept by Julia Morley, Chairman & CEO of Miss World Ltd Miss World 2008, Ksenia Sukhinova - an incredible fare- 3 week and 14 province tour of Vietnam where over 13 million US dollars was donated during her tour in January 2009 * * * * * * * * * * * * Nota: De la lansarea sa în 1951, Organizaţia Miss World a reusit sa adune cu toti organizatorii din aceste 140 de tari mai mult de 250 de milioane de lire sterline £ in scopuri caritabile, pentru copiii cu diverse nevoi din aceste ţări (ajutoare, burse, premii de excelenta). În afară de atragerea milioanelor de lire sterline pentru acţiunile de caritate din întreaga lume sub stindardul "Frumusete cu un scop", MISS WORLD influenţează, de asemenea, in mod direct, creşterea semnificativa a publicitatii tarilor organizatoare ale Finalelor Mondiale. Anual, Finala Mondiala este un eveniment ce durează o lună, cu mai multe gale preliminarii, cu activitati promotionale ale concursului si ale tarii gazda, culminând cu un supershow de televiziune, transmis dupa cum spuneam la nivel global în întreaga lume, de catre circa 200 de televiziuni" Subcategorii
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