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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery ATTITUDE «-» Photo Gallery Romania Fashion Designers, Case de moda «-» B_&_ Designeri «-» B_&_Designeri_Catalin Botezatu si Amalia Judea, designeri invitati in Malta la World Bikini Model Intl., unde Mihaela Tudor a castigat primul titlu mondial in 2002
B_&_Designeri_Catalin Botezatu si Amalia Judea, designeri invitati in Malta la World Bikini Model Intl., unde Mihaela Tudor a castigat primul titlu mondial in 2002PHOTO GALLERY / GALERIE FOTO (Photo Michael Marx) Catalin_Botezatu si Amalia Judea, designeri invitati in Malta 2008 la World Bikini Model International, tara in care Mihaela Tudor devenea prima romanca ce a castigat un concurs international de frumusete in 2002 (Photo Michael Marx) Winner 2008 of World Bikini Model International is Miss Venezuela Celebrul creator de modă Cătălin Botezatu, si Amalia Judea au prezentat pe scena World Bikini Model International & Miss European Tourism Beauty 2008 in Malta creaţiile proprii Asistent universitar la Facultatea de Arte Vizuale din Oradea, Amalia Judea a prezentat atât colecţia creată de ea - `Romance for a vampire` - cât şi cea a studenţilor săi - `Lumea gândacilor` - care a plăcut atât de mult criticilor, încât orădeanca a fost invitată să participe la săptămâna modei din Atlanta şi în Siclia, în această vară. Concursul World Bikini Models Internaţional fost câştigat de o frumoasă din Venezuela, însă anul trecut pe prima treaptă a podiumului a stat clujeanca Alina Robu, model al Agenţiei Amalia Judea Art & Fashion. Diane Ciutacu, care a ocupat locul 5 si Alexandra Dora, care a primit o sedinta doto profesionala, sunt modele de la Amalia Fashion, agentia cu care si InfoFashion Platinum Agency lucreaza la Festivalul Fashion & Beauty Valea Prahovei. Le felicitam pe toate reprezentantele Romaniei care au participat din 2003 si pana in prezent la acest comcurs international de frumuste si modeling, continuand drumul deschis in 2002 de Platinum Agency cand fetele noastre, Mihaela Tudor, Stefana Dragoeas, Nicoleta Motei si managerul Camelia Seceleanu, s-au bucurat de ospitalitatea Maltei si au reprezentat pentru prima data Romania, Bucharest si Valea Prahovei pe Catwalk-ul maltez. `Times of Malta` Romania girl wins Miss Bikini title 2002` Michaela Tudor from Bucharest, Romania, has won the title of Miss Bikini World 2002 international contest organised for the second time in Malta by Catwalk Productions. The first runner-up was Linda Zimany from Hungary and the second runner-up was Nikki Farrugia from Malta. 1m76 tall and with a perfect 90-60-90 figure Mihaela stood out from the rest of the contestants and had a certain kind of stage presence and star quality which made her the natural choice to win Miss Bikini World 2002. The competition was very tough as the contestants were all of the highest standard. There were 44 of the worlds most beautiful swimsuit/bikini models in the Miss Bikini World 2002 World Final Competition but in the end the judges picked Mihaela as the new winner. Miss Bikini World Valea Prahovei, Nicoleta Motei and Miss Bikini World Romania, Stefana Dragoeas were also hot favorites from day one. The stunning 1m74 tall Nicoleta stunned the judges with her sparkling personality, great sense of humor and gorgeous 89-61-90 figure. The gorgeous Stefana won the Miss Bikini World 2002 audience over with her impressive 1m75 88-59-88 frame and elegant good looks. Catwalk Productions International is a Maltese production organization, which has been established for the past 21 years. Our organization has always given Fashion and Beauty prominence in our events. We started by organizing local shows, which then evolved into International Contests. Catwalk Productions International has invested heavily so as to establish itself among many International contacts. All this investment is reaping the desired result since our events are reputed for their seriousness and professionalism. Throughout these past years we have succeeded in portraying Malta as a holiday destination not only for its sun and sea, but also for its history, culture and also entertainment. Having the contestants as the main subject in the different Maltese attractions and settings serves this purpose. Over these years we have also generated a selection of local and international media coverage bringing over 90 TV stations and as many newspaper & magazines from overseas so as to cover the events. The World Bikini Model International, a totally Maltese production, has become an annual event in Malta`s calendar and worldwide. Catwalk Productions International as sole promoters will be organizing the sixth Edition of the World Bikini Model International 2008 and the third edition of the Miss European Tourism 2008. This World Class Beauty & Fashion Event shall be held on Tuesday 24th June 2008 at the Dragonara Casino, St.Julian`s. Other associate events will be organized between the 19th and the 25th June 2008. More than forty participants will be contesting for both these events coming from the following countries: Venezuela -China -Sweden -Hungary -Estonia -Latvia -Malta -Italy - Sicily -Albania -Poland -Russia -England -Isle of Man -Finland -South Africa -Brazil -Norway -Serbia -Montenegro -Macedonia -Armenia -Ukraine Odessa -Transylvania -Germany - Taiwan -Belgium -Romania -Moldavia -Greece -Cyprus -Czech Republic -Slovakia -Germany -Lithuania -Turkey -Bosnia -Holland -Ukraine South -Ghana - Kirisia -Croatia -Suriname - Republic of Serpska -Baltic States-Australia The day by day program is still being finalized, but during the week of the event the contestants will be taken on tours around Malta and Gozo visiting the Malta Experience, Full Day on Captain Morgan Cruises Fernandez, Mediterraneo Marine Park Bahar ic-Caghaq, Popeye Village, Monte Kristo show and other various places of interest. `As in previous years, a spectacular fashion Show will be presented by Catalin Botezatu, from Romania, who is a well known fashion designer in the fashion world. He is also a popular on FTV Fashion TV and also popular for the fact that he does his own choreography, jewellery and other accessories. Also, for the second consecutive year, we shall also have, as a special guest, Amalia Judea Professor in Fashion Design at the Oradea University Facultate de Arte Vizuale, Romania who will present her latest collection from Amalia Fashion Studios and also bring a collection of designs from the final year student work at the University. On the local scene Charles and Ron, of Beatrix, will present their latest collection and designs. This year`s final night will include a light and laser show from Naxos Lighting Technology, Hair show by David and Alex of Cut Coiffure Royale, Fashion Show by Tango Boutique and Piccinino, gimmick with d`Amaretto Liquor,. As entertainment will include singer Christabelle Borg, Morena, William Mangion, Pierre, Chantal, Eleanor Cassar. Also performing Redent Elvis, Ghaqda Kultura Armar Tarxien, Yada Dance Company and special host for the night DJ Gianni and Model Nakita. For the sixth consecutive year, Catwalk Productions International will be inviting Local and International media to cover both events: TVR Romania National Television covering - Romania Transylvania Express News Paper- Romania Buna Ziua Brasov -Romania Monitorul Expres Brasov -Mondo Times -Romania Gazeta De Oradea -Romania Oradea Online -Romania FashionTV -Romania Antenna Sicilia - Sicily Zoo TV Magazine -South Africa -United Kingdom Radio Video Scicli S.r.l.- Sicily -Sicily Freie Press -Germany Giornale di Sicila - Sicily VIVA Magazine -Poland OK Magazine & Internet -Turkey Gatetegez News Paper & Internet -Turkey Cesurca Magazinci & Internet -Turkey Magazine Kocik & Internet -Turkey Habervoce News Paper & Internet -Turkey Kibris Gazetesi & Internet -Turkey Yenihaber Magazinci & Internet -Turkey Hitmazine TV & Internet -Turkey Playboya Magazine -Poland Zynios News Paper -Lithuania Lrytas News Paper -Lithuania Exonline Internet Magazine -Lithuania Dienrastis Magazine -Lithuania Catwalk Productions International Team would like to thank all the media supporting this event. For more information you can contact Paul Chetcuti -Events Director on 99406771 -79494804 -SKYPE: catwalk89 or email: Coverage on Camelia Seceleanu Subcategorii
Acorda pentru B_&_Designeri_Catalin Botezatu Si Amalia Judea, Designeri Invitati In Malta La World Bikini Model Intl., Unde Mihaela Tudor A Castigat Primul Titlu Mondial In 2002 cate puncte crezi ca merita in opinia ta!
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