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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery ATTITUDE «-» Photo Gallery Romania Fashion Designers, Case de moda «-» V_&_ Designeri «-» Designeri_Corina Vladescu Colectia `Noir` Toamna Iarna la Athens Fashion Week
Designeri_Corina Vladescu Colectia `Noir` Toamna Iarna la Athens Fashion WeekFashion show of NOIR by Corina Vladescu AW2011/2012 collection @ Athens Fashion Week 2011. NOIR is the diffusion line of luxury fashion label Corina Vladescu. Movie & infos Corina Vladescu la Athens Fashion Week AW 2010/ 2011 MARCH 25-28, 2010 THE CITY OF ATHENS TECHNOPOLIS, GAZI The Fashion Week Athens is organized twice a year by the Q-productions, in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy, the Hellenic and Centre of Technology and Design (ELKEDE). It is regarded as the biggest event in Greek fashion, hosting about 20 fashion shows of Greek and International designers, a trade show and cultural events, such as art and photography exhibitions. One of the goals of Fashion Week Athens is for Athens to become a centre for Mediterranean and Balkan Fashion. To this end Fashion Week Athens, every year, invites designers from neighbouring countries to participate at the event. In the 5 years of the existence of Fashion Week Athens, although still very young, it has captured the attention of its guests, as a very well organized event with a lot of potential and quite a few talented and promising designers. In the 11th Fashion Week Athens are participating: ANGELOS BRATIS, ASLANIS, CHRISTOFOROS KOTENTOS, CORINA VLADESCU, DELIGHT, DIMITRIS DASSIOS, EVANGELOS KAVATHAS, FILEP MOTWARY, LITO BARRE, KATHY HEYNDELS, MAKIS TSELIOS, MARIA MASTORI, MI-RO, PANOS APERGIS, SOTIRIS GEORGIU, VASSILIS ZOULIAS, YIORGOS ELEFTHERIADES, NEW GENERATION (CATREEN MAL, JOHANNA DANIIL, LUKAS).During the Hellenic Fashion WeeK, there is a trade showroom displaying the pret-a-porter WINTER 2010-2011 collections of the participating designers for GreeK and international buyers. The Fashion WeeK Athens opens its gates on 25th of March at Technopolis. The event will be inaugurated by the Minister of Economy, Mrs LouKa Katseli, who stated: `The GreeK Fashion Industry has gained momentum, thanKs to the talent and the creativity of GreeK designers. The Fashion WeeK Athens decisively capitalizes on this momentum and plays a Key role in the promotion of labelled products abroad. Fashion is an important element of culture and is one of the marKet`s engines that helps boost our country`s growth and development. I would again liKe to extend my gratitude and congratulations to the GreeK Designers and to wish them a successful, creative and dynamic fashion weeK.`. The Mayor of Athens, Mr. NiKitas KaKlamanis, stated: `Athens is becoming a city `in fashion` in an attempt to promote the GreeK fashion industry and its designers, to strengthen their identity and maKe their voice heard louder in the international fashion industry.` Locatie: Technopolis Gazi - cartierul artistilor, este o platforma sub forma unui parc plin de verdeata care cuprinde un ansamblu de circa 10 cladiri, unde se organizeaza majoritatea manifestarilor artistice din Atena Pe toata durata fashion weeK-ului am avut showroom pentru contractari comenzi buyeri: 25-28 martie 2010. Cifre oficiale: 30.000 vizitatori, 300 jurnalisti din Grecia, 60 jurnalisti internationali, 200 buyeri din Grecia, 33 buyeri internationali, 400 lucratori in productia evenimentului. Echipa: Manager: Ionut Moldoveanu Stylist: Diana Andreea (Harper`s Bazaar - USA) & Corina Vladescu Fashion assistant: Catalin Enache Outfit-uri prezentate: 25. 7 modele au intrat de 3 ori, 1 model a intrat de 4 ori (Ingrid - Brazilia, a deshis si a inchis show-ul). Durata show-lui: 13 minute Muzica: un mix realizat de DJ Various A, dupa melodia Tear You Apart - formatia She Wants Revenge Attendance: 500 persoane La fitting si in bacKstage-ul prezentarii am beneficiat de 16 asistenti - dresseri. Producatorul show-lui: Eleni Karagianni FeedbacK presa dupa show: interviuri acordate de Corina Vladescu pentru Vogue (Grecia), L`Officiel (Grecia, Rusia), In Style (Grecia), MTV (Grecia), Alpha TV (Grecia), Athens Voice (Grecia), Votre Beaute (Grecia). Impresii presa, buyeri, attendance, organizatori: a fost votata cea mai buna colectie alaturi de cea a brandului grecesc MIRO. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Corina Vladescu prezinta Colectia `Noir` Toamna Iarna la Athens Fashion Week 01.04.2011 Vineri, 1 Aprilie 2011 ora 21:00, Corina Vladescu va prezenta in cadrul Athens Fashion Week 2011 colectia de Toamna-Iarna a celei de-a doua linii a brandului, numita - NOIR by Corina Vladescu. `NOIR este un proiect la care tin enorm, este o alternativa fashion cu preturi acceptabile la magazinele arhicunoscute de highstreet, cu un design original apartinandu-mi in totalitate. Fiecare colectie va fi gandita exact ca o colectie de catwalk Corina Vladescu, originala in design, linie si cromatica. Sunt foarte mandra ca am reusit sa pastram calitatea materialelor si a accesoriilor intacta. Stofele naturale, nasturii din corn, pielea, matasea si bumbacul sunt coordonatele noii colectii. Versatiliatea acestor piese este un aspect care a fost foarte important pentru mine deoarece mi-am dorit piese care se pot combina la nesfarsit, obtinand o multitudine de lookuri diferite care nu se demodeaza. Sunt piese indispensabile crearii unei garderobe de sezon originala si rafinata la preturi prietenoase.` - (Corina Vladescu) NOIR a fost prezentat pentru prima oara in luna Ianuarie 2011 la Paris in cadrul targului de pret-a-porter Who's Next, iar din toamna acestui an poate fi cumparat din Bucuresti, New York, Barcelona, Londra, Dublin. Bijuteriile ce vor completa outfit-urile sunt semnate Biba Bijoux, iar pantofii Il Passo. Pentru informatii suplimentare: Corina Vladescu | fashion designer Ionut Moldoveanu | manager Showroom address: Strada Herastrau nr.39 Bucharest Mobile: 0040 722 373 464, 0040 723 300 309 Info F(ares) A(dvertising) S(uccess) H(armony) I(ntelligence) O(pportunity) N(ews) va invita sa descoperiti personalitati ce va pot inspira ! Subcategorii
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