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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery ATTITUDE «-» Fotografi, Studiouri «-» Fotograf_Alessandro Zanazzo, Professor of Photography at Temple Art University Rome, guest of in Romania Who`sWho_ZP
Fotograf_Alessandro Zanazzo, Professor of Photography at Temple Art University Rome, guest of in Romania Who`sWho_ZPIntr-o lume a globalizarii dar si a cautarii identitatii de sine si de tara, Platinum Agency a invitat in Romania in perioada 24-30.03.2008 la evenimentul de Top Model of the World Romania de la Pitesti pe profesorul de fotografie si comunicare vizuala, Alessandro Zanazzo. Acest eveniment face parte din proiectul mult mai amplu oe care Platinum Agency il promoveaza in tara si mai ales in strainatate, sub numele de `Discover Romania and it`s people`. Alessandro Zanazzo este profesor la Temple Art University, Rome si la CEA Global Campus, a colaborat cu John Cabot University in Rome, Academy of Arts , Design and New Media Technologies, Virgilio State High School, Rome , precum si cu National Museum of Modern Art, `Centre Georges Pompidou` in Paris si la `Artists` Space`, Visual Arts Cultural Institution, New York. Activitatea sa nu se rezuma doar la aceste aspecte, participand la nenumarate proiecte in toata Europa, Africa si America, fiind si un prodigios jurnalist pentu multe televiziuni, ziare si reviste, cum ar fi: Corriere della Sera , RAIUNO, Pro Sieben 7, La Repubblica, RAI TRE, Art Magazine `Accrochage` , `RomArte` magazine, lucrand de-a lungl anilor la diferite proiecte culturale in multe tari ale Europei, asa cum puteti vedea in CV-ul sau. Born in Rome, Italy, on November the 12th, 1957 Photo Studio : Via Andrea Doria, 16/c 00192 Roma Telephone : +39 06 39 74 47 41 Mobile : 349 13 66 249 E-mail : Main collaborations and professional experiences in Photography November 2007 : An exhibition of Zanazzo`s art images are exhibited in Montreux, Switzerland, where he is invited as official photographer from Italy. During the exhibition he presents for the first time an audiovisual artwork created in cooperation with the Russian contemporary Music composer Angelina Yershova. The pictures of the exhibition and an article on this work have been published in Switzerland on the Art Magazine `Accrochage` October 2007 : the Embassy of Ethiopia and the Ministry of Culture of Ethiopia invites Alessandro Zanazzo as a journalist and photographer for the `Ethiopia Millennium` special events . - June 2007 - Official Photographer from Italy invited by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority ZTA and by the Embassy of Zimbabwe in Italy for Media/Press tour and images documentation, for communication, editorials and Tourism development . - His articles and pictures on this experience have been published on several professional travel -web-sites and on the printed Magazines `Afro` and `ViaggiatoriWeb`. -May 2007 - Official Photographer for the Embassy of Belgium during the visit of the Queen Paola of Belgium in Rome Embassy of Austria , Cultural Institute, Rome Embassy of Holland, Official Portrait of H.E. the Embassador in Rome Gadea Advertising Agency, London E-Luxury, Media Company, Los Angeles Lit Rag magazine, USA MP3 productions, San Diego, California `La Repubblica ` Editions, Rome -Video production on `The fountains of Villa d` Este`, based on Ovidio`s book ` The Metamorphosis` broadcasted on RAIUNO, the Italian National TV Channel Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Rome Luan by Lucia, Fashion Design Company, Budapest, Ungheria Belgian Accademy, Rome Editions Belfond, Paris Theatre de la Ville, Paris Sedicom Publicité, Paris Windham Hill Records, Palo Alto, California Editions Gremese, Rome Stage photographer, video production `Il lungo viaggio`, Rome Istituto Enciclopedia Italiana `G. Treccani`, Rome Armando Curcio Editions, Rome Corriere della Sera, Rome Italian Cultural Institute, Oslo, Norway - Producer and filming a multivision for the `Bryggen Museum`, Bergen, Norway A dossier about the work and researches developed in the Art of Photography is held by the Department Cinema and Photography, National Museum of Modern Art, `Centre Georges Pompidou` in Paris and by the `Artists` Space`, Visual Arts Cultural Institution, New York. Professional , Educational and Artistic experiences 2004 - to the present : Professor of Photography - Temple Art University, Rome Campus, Dean : Kim Strommen, Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia 15, Telephone for references : 06 320 28 08 (Rome) Professor on Art of Photography and visual communication at CEA Global Campus, Viale di Villa Massimo 29, Dean :Dr Kevin Murphy. 2002 - 2006 : Professor of Photography - John Cabot University in Rome Analogical and Digital Photography- Darkroom techniques `Studio Lightings` Guided outings with students (historical places, night photography, urban landscape, street portraits) `organization of the students` exhibitions. 2002 -2005 : Professor of Photography - Academy of Arts , Design and New Media Technologies 1985 - to the present : Freelance Professional Photographer for Editorials, Advertising, Corporations, Agencies 1987 - 1999 : Professor of ` Photography : the language of images`, Virgilio State High School, Rome 1998 - 1999 : Photography and Art Critic/Journalist for `RomArte` magazine 1997- 1998 : Directing Photography courses and Workshops for the Photography library `1+1` 1996 : Director of an exhibition, Curatorial Member of `Le Mois de la Photo` - Photographic Biennale - Direction des Affaires Culturelles - Mairie de Paris and Department of Cultural Affairs` of Rome 1982- 1985 : Created costumes and scenes using projections of photographs and videos- for several Modern Dance Companies ( Teatro Olimpico, Teatro Brancaccio ) . Education and scholarships 1995, DEMOS, Paris, Professional Certificate, High Level Course for Professors , Training in Educational 1985- 1987 Professional Certificate for Director of Photography , Institute of Cinema and Television, Rome 1984 , Bachelor of Arts in Photography - Accademy of Fine Arts - KunstAcademy , Bergen, Norway 1981 , Art Institute, Voss, Norway : fellowship assigned by the Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs for personal researches in Painting 1980, Fine Art Accademy, Rome Languages Italian (mother language) English (written and spoken) French (written and spoken) Norvegian (proficient) Computer skills Windows, Internet Explorer, Outlook express , Photo Shop software for the digital manipulation of images, navigation and researches on Internet, Word. Exhibitions and cultural activities Exhibitions of Painting, Installations, Video and Photography both in solo and group shows in private Art Galleries , Cultural Institutions and Museums in Italy, France and Norway. Founder of the Cultural Associations ` Gonzales Correa Contemporary Dance`. Articles 2002, Rai Uno , Italian National TV Channel, showing a portfolio of my images 2000 An interview and video on my own work as photographer broadcasted on German TV Channel `Pro Sieben 7` 1998 Juliet, Photo Magazine La Repubblica, Italy 1997 Photographie Magazine, Italy 1996 TV Lazio RAI TRE Official Catalogue of the French Biennal of Photography, Paris Progresso Fotografico, magazine, Italy 1995 La Repubblica, Italy Progresso Fotografico, Italy 1994 La Nouvelle République, France Radio Latina, France 1990 Nikon Editions 1985 Audio Visual Communications, magazine, USA Bergen Tidende, Norway 1982 La Repubblica, Rome Camelia Seceleanu Info F(are) A(dvertising) S(uccess) H(armony) I(ntelligence) O(pportunity) N(ews) Romania va invita sa descoperiti locuri si personalitati ce va pot inspira! Subcategorii
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