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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery INTELLIGENCE «-» ROMANIA Galerie Foto Reprezentante la Finale Mondiale «-» MoldovaRep_&_Ana Velesco 2009 in TOP 15 Miss Supranational in Poland /InfoFashion
MoldovaRep_&_Ana Velesco 2009 in TOP 15 Miss Supranational in Poland /InfoFashionPhoto by courtesy of Mr Gerhard Parzutka von Lipinski, MISS SUPRANATIONAL`s festival host in POLAND. Greetings from Romania and Moldova Rep. Delegates to all Worldwide Delegates that have competed ! Moldova Rep. Ana Velesco in TOP 15 at Miss Supranational 2009 in Poland Moldova (Ana Velesco) , Miss Universitas in Romania si locul 4 la Miss Global Beauty Queen in China Ana Veleşco este noua Miss Universitas, titlu pe care l-a câştigat la editia XIII-a la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Ploiesti & Teatrul `Majestic` Ploiesti 18-20 Mai 2008. Ana are numai 18 ani, este din Republica Moldova, localitatea Nisporeni, şi a absolvit anul întâi la Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice de la Universitatea `Dunărea de Jos`. `E plăcut, mă bucur că am primit acest titlu, însă eu cred că s-a întâmplat să fiu pe placul tuturor celor din juriu. Fiecare femeie e frumoasă în felul ei`, spune cu modestie Ana Veleşco. Noua Miss Universitas nu s-a gândit niciodată să facă o carieră în modelling, deşi recunoaşte că pregătirile pentru concurs au făcut-o să se gândească la această variantă. Ea vrea, totuşi, să se facă jurnalist. `Aş vrea să lucrez în televiziune, pentru că îmi place să fiu mereu în contact cu oamenii, în contact cu scena. Recunosc, îmi place să fiu admirată, să fiu un model pentru alţii`, declară, cu sinceritate Ana. Acum, că a devenit vedetă cel puţin printre colegi şi profesori, nu vrea tratament preferenţial. `La şcoală e altceva. Profesorii îmi pun note pe ceea ce ştiu, examenul e examen`, mai spune cea mai frumoasă studentă din România. MISS SUPRANATIONAL WINNER 2009: Ukraine, Oksana Moria 1st RU: Belarus, Marina Lepesha 2nd RU: Poland, Klaudia Ungerman 3rd RU: Honduras, Ruth Aleman 4th RU: England, Amanda Ball Miss Supranational Americas: Brazil, Karine Osorio Miss Supranational Asia: Taiwan Miss Supranational Europe: Slovakia TOP 15: Bahamas, Brazil, Croatia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Peru, Slovakia, Taiwan, Vietnam Miss Elegance: Denmark Miss Photogenic: Ukraine Miss Top Model: Russia Best National Dress: Vietnam Miss Talent: Albania Miss Friendship: Bahamas Miss Personality: Bahamas Miss Internet: Vietnam Best Body: England The candidates have been on a sight-seeing tour after the arrival phase of 19 and 20 August. They started in Olsztyn an excursion to the Masurian Seascape which is often compared with the wild nature of Canada. Please see also the GALLERIES on our webpage. On 24 August Amanda Lillian Ball, Miss England, came off as winner of MISS SUPRANATIONAL�s Best Body contest. 1st Runner up became Marina Lepesha, Miss Belarus, and 2nd Runner up Oksana Moria, Miss Ukraine. The evening came to a pleasurable end in the Music club �Euforia�. After a press conference with the Mayor of Goldap on the Russian border, a Polish town known for the utmost hospitality of its inhabitants, the contestants gave their first open-air on-stage performance to an enthusiastic audience. Another highlight has been the visit of Tri-City, a metropolis of 1.5 million people at the Baltic Sea. Here the global beauties took a walk through the old Hanseatic city of Gdansk and had a rest on the beach of Sopot with its 511 m long pier into the bay of Gdansk. In Torun, the global beauties got in touch with history, learned about the crusades of the Teutonic Knights and enjoyed manufacturing ginger bread. On an open-air event on 28 August in the resort of Ciechocinek Nguyen Chung, Miss Vietnam, has been awarded for MISS SUPRANATIONAL�s Best National Dress and Borana Kalemi, Miss Albania, won the Miss Talent title. ************************** MISS SUPRANATIONAL este un concurs international ce va avea loc in Polonia pe 5 septembrie 2009 si este o PREMIERA absoluta; Au fost prezenti in juriul Finalei organizate la Piatra Neamt, sositi special din Polonia, Gerhard Parzutka von Lipinsky (Director MISS WORLD Polonia, initiator si organizator MISS SUPRANATIONAL 2009 si Marcin Pawlak (Director ATTIS Holding S.A. Varsovia) * * * * * * * Platinum Agency 2009 organized during the Fashion Performance Festival, Miss Supranational Romania National Final on 10 July in Piatra Neamt, one of the beautiful town of Moldavia province in Romania. 25 Contestants coming from all corner of Romania competed for the right to represent Romania in Poland at first edition Miss Supranational 2009 . The Organizer of Miss Supranational and Miss Land was in the Jury of Miss Supranational Romania National Final. The 25 Contestants displayed in a front of over 1500 viewers in open air the fashion creations of the most famous Romanian Designer, Catalin Botezatu, as well recognized on International Fashion World Shows , from United States to Asia, Catalin Botezatu, Linjerie by Piera, Evening Gown by Oana Savescu. Other brands displayed was Langellotti, furs and lather , Brand style, Wedding gown, Lissa- local Piatra Neamt evening gown, Motor Jeans Turkey, Sandro Ferrone, Italy The Romania Miss Supranational choosen by a jury of romanian designers, journalist, former Miss Romania awarded in China, Malaysia, Albania (2006-2008) and the CEO Europe of WBA Panama, Mr.Gerhard Parzutka von Lipinski and Marcin Pawlak is Roxana Sandru (height 175cm, measurements 88-62-92cm), 18 years old in September. Because on 19 august, the the time of departure in Poland at Miss Supranational Final she did not have the legal papers for underage travel, Platinum Agency have decided to replace she with Anca Vasiu, participant at Valea Prahovei Festival Infofashion as well at Top Model of Rhe World -Romania 2008, She is born in 1989, Height: 176cm, measurements ( 88-61-90). WBA S.A. signed an agreement with Missland sp. z o.o. which is the leading beauty pageant company in Poland. Both partners agreed to hold the MISS SUPRANATIONAL contest from 2009 until 2013 in Poland. The new pageant will be embedded in the 'Festival of Beauty', hosted by the City of Plock, the former capital of the Warsaw region. The international competition will be framed by the renowned MISS POLAND and MISS POLAND TEENAGER contests. WBA ANNOUNCED PRICES FOR THE MISS SUPRANATIONAL AWARDS Mrs Yandar Lobón, President of World Beauty Association, was proud to announce on Friday 3 July 2009 in Panama the award system of the new Miss Supranational titles. It allots the following price monies: USD 25,000 in cash for Miss Supranational; USD 5,000 in cash for the First Runner-up; USD 3,000 in cash for the Second Runner-up; USD 2,000 in cash for the Third Runner-up; USD 1,000 in cash for the Fourth Runner-up; Additionally, the TOP 5 will receive jewellery worth more than USD 10,000. USD 1,000 in cash for each Continent title; USD 500 in cash for each sub-title (Miss Supranational Internet, Photogenic, Best Body, Best National Dress and Friendship). Marius Seceleanu, General Manager InfoFashion Platinum Agency, declared that PLATINUM AGENCY Started in 1993 in Prahova Valley, the most famous tourist area in Romania (130 km far away of Bucharest). PLATINUM AGENCY is involved since 2002 in the promotion of tourist activities, fashion, music & dance shows for leisure time. The PLATINUM AGENCY division, increased the co-operation since 2005 in the fiel of Beauty Contest and fashion Shows Festival. We wish good luck to Mr.Gerhard Parzutka von Lipinski the most active Promoter in Europe who has the ambition to developed a high class Contest of distinction and beauty and to bring in Europe a lot of the beauties of the world. ![]() E-mail: Info F(ares) A(dvertising) S(uccess) H(umour) I(ntelligence) O(pportunity) N(ews) Our logo: `Fashion` is the language for all the world. Photos are the language of "Fashion, the perpetual state for all who desire to escape from the common things". Subcategorii
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