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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery OPPORTUNITY «-» Oportunitati Ajungi premiant in Franta cu NISI MASA - Reteaua Europeana a Cinematografelor pentru Tineret, daca trimiti un scenariu cu tema `Escape` pana la 31 Iulie 2008
Oportunitati Ajungi premiant in Franta cu NISI MASA - Reteaua Europeana a Cinematografelor pentru Tineret, daca trimiti un scenariu cu tema `Escape` pana la 31 Iulie 2008Studentii si entuziastii cu o cauza comuna - European cinema. Scopurile organizatiei NISI MASA sunt: - de a descoperi noi talente pentru film; - de a dezvolta proiecte audiovizuale interculturale; - de a dezvolta constiinta eropeana prin film - de a crea o platforma de iscutii si colaborare pentru tinerii producatori europeni; Principalele activitati ale organizatiei NISI MASA sunt: - de a gazdui anual concursul European Short Film Script Contest; - de a organiza workshop-uri pentru filmmaking & scripwriting; - de a gazdui intalniri variate referitoare la cinema (conferinte, seminarii, etc.) - de a promova documentarele (prin screenings, making of DVDs, etc.) - de a edita publicatii (carti & a ziare pe durata festivalurilor europene). Este deschis tuturor scriitorilor cu varste cuprinse intre 18 si 28 de ani, care traiesc in Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finlanda, Franta, Germania, Italia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Marea Britanie, Olanda, Polonia, Romania, Spania, Suedia, Turcia si Ungaria. Cele mai bune 3 scenarii vor fi premiate cu finantari de productie, iar 12 dintre finalistii concursului vor fi invitati sa participe in Franta, la un atelierde scriere de scenarii in ianuarie 2009. NISI MASA was founded in 2001. It is a non-profit organisation supported, amongst others, by the European Union (Youth, Civil Society & MEDIA Programmes), the Council of Europe, the European Cultural Foundation, the Allianz Cultural Foundation and the Fondation de France. NISI MASA (European network of young cinema) is pleased to announce you the launching of its `7th European Script Contest for Short Film Scripts`. The new theme for this 2008 edition is `Escape`. By advance, we warmly thank you for publishing this information on your website. Run annually by the organisation, the contest is open until July, 31 to budding young scriptwriters (18-28 years old) living in any of the 19 countries in the NISI MASA network. Over the past 6 years, thousands of young people have participated in the contest resulting in the production of 12 films. As in previous years 3 winning scripts will receive production support and 12 finalists will be invited to a scriptwriting workshop in France, in January 2009. For further information, please visit our new website! Find as well attached to this email, the press file, a short press release, a Jpg flyer and a web banner. For further enquiries, don`t hesitate to email us at European Contest for Short Film Scripts For the 7th consecutive year, the European network NISI MASA offers young people from 19 European countries the chance to write a short film script and to be supported for the production of their film. What makes the contest unique: - Every year a different theme . . . In 2008: `Escape`. - It is organized by young people and not by film professionals. - It is open to people between 18 and 28 years. - It takes place simultaneously in 19 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. It includes many awards. Thanks to NISI MASA and the partners of the contest, the 3 European winners will benefit from a technical and logistic support for producing their short films. Together with 12 finalists of the contest they will be invited as well to participate in a scriptwriting workshop in January-February 2009. CONTEST RULES 2008 PREFACE NISI MASA, a non-profit organisation based at 10, rue de l'Echiquier 75010 PARIS, FRANCE, organises a competition in 2008 on the purpose of which is to aid young European short film scriptwriters in getting their work produced. 1 - TERMS OF PARTICIPATION 1.1 - Competitors From 15/04/2008, the competition is open to any person whose nationality or country of residency, on the day he/she sends his/her candidature, is of one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. He/she must be between 18 and 28 years of age on the closing date of the competition, 31/07/2008. 1.2 - Procedures and sending the scripts The general topic of the competition is "Escape". Competing scripts must be strongly related to this theme. Persons wishing to compete must send a file containing the following articles, to the NISI MASA group located in their own country, before the closing date of the competition (31/07/2008): - 1 application form as available on, duly completed (or a document that includes the information requested on the application form). - 1 typed and stapled copy of the script (notifying the title, the name of the author and address on the front page) that the competitor wishes to submit to the jury, the number of original scripts being limited to one per competitor (see detailed conditions below). The common scriptwriting format and general rules must be respected (please see the Scriptwriting Guidelines in - 1 copy of the script as an RTF (rich text format) -file by e-mail to the national NISI MASA group. Any incomplete file will be rejected, and the corresponding application subsequently cancelled. The author can also send an explanatory note of one page maximum, describing the reasons why he/she has decided to take part in the competition and how his/her script deals with the topic �Escape�. 1.3 - Scripts Scripts must meet the following conditions: - scripts must be written in one of the official languages of the competition: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, English, Finnish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, or Turkish. - scripts must be typed and must not exceed 20 000 characters (including punctuation marks and spaces). - scripts must be entirely original, involving no borrowing, in any way whatsoever, of any pre-existing work protected by copyright or any other legal protection, or violating the rights of third parties in any way whatsoever. 2 - SELECTION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL In each country where the competition takes place, the local NISI MASA group will constitute a reading board to proceed with the selection of from one to three scripts, which will be allowed to compete on an international level according to the conditions described in article 3 below. This national jury board will comprise, under the mandate of NISI MASA, of a group of at least three persons, all 18 to 35 years of age, who will be charged to choose from one to three scripts for the final international selection process. The national juries will finalise selection between the closing date of the competition (31/07/2008) and the closing date of selection (15/09/2008). This selection will be submitted to a decision involving all the members of the national jury, after discussion. The juries will not have to account for their choice and their decision will be final. The finalist script/scripts thus chosen by each national jury will be submitted to NISI MASA on the closing date of the selection (15/09/2008) at the latest. 3 - SELECTION AT THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL NISI MASA will then form an international jury, made of members of all the national NISI MASA groups, with additional consultation provided by one or several established film professionals (producers, directors, scriptwriters, critics, etc.). The members of the international jury will meet in November in Zagreb, Croatia (to be confirmed), in order to debate and select the three European winning scripts of the competition, which will receive the NISI MASA 2008 PRIZES. The deliberations of the international jury are collective and secret. The deliberations will be finalised and made official during the closing night of the jury meeting in November 2008. The jury will not have to account for their choice and their decision will be final. The list of the winners will be published on the official NISI MASA website ( and, and announced to the press. The winners will be personally informed of their designation by mail. NISI MASA will not have to send back the copies of the non-selected scripts to competitors. 4 - PRIZES Three NISI MASA main prizes will be presented for the 2008 NISI MASA EUROPEAN SCRIPT CONTEST. All the three NISI MASA prizes consist of production support offered by the NISI MASA network. With its member organisations in each country NISI MASA will produce the three films together with the production organization(s) of the film. The produced movies will be subtitled by Titra Film ( in the frame of the technical partnership with NISI MASA (maximum of 20 minutes per film). All aspects of shooting (equipment, location, technical and artistic crew, etc.) will be the result of an agreement between NISI MASA and the producing organization(s), depending on the specificities of the script and the technical and financial conditions of shooting. Besides the main prizes, 12 finalist scriptwriters will be invited to a scriptwriting workshop organised by NISI MASA in Andé, France, in January 2009. During the workshop the scriptwriters have the chance to work on their scripts with the help of professional tutors and also pitch their scripts to invited international producers. 5 - DIRECTION AND PRODUCTION OF THE NISI MASA PRIZES The production organization(s) must guarantee that the post-production of the films take place before the end of 2009. All aspects of shooting (equipment, location, technical and artistic crew, etc.) will be the result of an agreement between NISI MASA, the producing organization(s) and the winner, depending on the specificities of the script and the technical and financial conditions of shooting. The production organization(s) together with NISI MASA will share the entire copyrights of the films produced, transferred by the winners who will have to commit themselves to it. The films will mention in their credits (both beginning and ending) the following sentence: �AWARD OF THE 2008 NISI MASA SCRIPT CONTEST�. In agreement with the producing organization(s), NISI MASA will have the right to show the films produced within the frame of its activities. 6 - MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 - Publicity of the rules The present rules, as well as potential modifications, will be published on the official NISI MASA website,, in the section dedicated to the NISI MASA EUROPEAN SCRIPT CONTEST. 6.2 - Responsibility of the organizer As organizer of the competition, NISI MASA guarantees that it will take place in accordance with the present rules. However, it will not be accountable for the possible risks related to the shooting of the films. NISI MASA reserves all rights to change the rules and regulations at any time without any prior notification. 6.3 - Computers and Rights In accordance with the French 06/01/1978 law related to computers, files and rights, the competitors are informed that, unless they expressly oppose it, the personal data appearing in the applying forms and all appending files will be exclusively used for the organisation of the NISI MASA EUROPEAN SCRIPT CONTEST 2008 and subsequent competitions, NISI MASA being their only addressee. All competitors have, according to article 34 and following in the aforesaid law, the right to access, communicate and modify the nominal data concerning themselves. 6.4 - Appendices The appendices are considered as being part of the present rules. 6.5 - Language The official languages of the competition are those detailed in paragraph 1.3. Any script written in another language will be rejected from the competition. These rules are available in different language versions. In case of a controversial interpretation and/or application of the different versions, the English version will prevail. 6.6 - Applicable Law The present rules, as well as all possible disputes related to it, directly or indirectly, are governed by French law. Paris, 14 April 2008 The NISI MASA Team NISI MASA - European office 10, rue de l`Echiquier 75010 Paris - France Phone/Fax: +33 (0)1 53 34 62 78 Subcategorii
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