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Press_2007 Romania about Taiwan Miss Young International. Special correspondents: Camelia Seceleanu & Oana GeorgescuMiss Young International - Taiwan 2007 Taiwan, addicted to beauty and technology The Alexanders on the trail of Alexander the Great conquer the Orient. After the recent triumph of Cristina Fedorca (16 years old) originary from Negresti Oas at the World Final Model of Models 2007, event hosted by the Theater �Reina Maria� in Madrid at which contestants from five continents were present, another two Romanians have arrived for a few days in Taiwan, country that will host the 16th edition of the Miss Young International 2007 contest. Alexandra Beldiman and Alexandra Beltiu, both aged 18 have joined the envoys of over 25 countries in the whole world. During the two weeks until the great final which will take place in the capital Taipei on the 27th of October, the management has reserved to the beautiful contestants an exceptional touristic program. The seeing at the most important historical cultural and architectonical objectives from the cities of Taichung, Tainan (Confucius Temple, Chikkan Tower), Pingtung, Kaohsiung and of course Taipei, the receptions at the highest level of the officials of the city, the fahions shows, the visits at the greatest National and Fun Parks (the famous �Mala Bay�, Taichung, Lin Mo - Niang Park, Tainan or Kanting National Park, Pingtung) or the breakfasts and dinners at the most famous restaurants where a couple hundreds of traditional foods are being prepared, have been and are prepared to the smallest detail by the organizers. Of course, the rehearsal program for the Great Final, but also for the Miss Congeniality (Taichung), National Costume Show (Tainan) or Best Swimsuit (Kenting National Park, Pingtung) finals is respected as such, especially that these awards, along others, of the same importance will be given in the great evening. Already our two Alexandras, of the same beauty and intelligence have made themselves remarked. Daily, their photos appear in the local newspapers as they are requested for TV interviews. Alexandra Beldiman triumphed at the Miss Valley of Prahova Festival 2007 national final, organized in Romania by Platinum Agency (Camelia si Marius Seceleanu) and represented Belgium at the beauty contest Miss Diaspora - Callatis 2006 and succeeded in her qualification on the first places in a final in which over 20 Romanian beauties had participated. She is 18 years of age and has been a student of the Royal Athenée of Woluwe Saint Lambert College in Bruxelles. Presently she is a XII class student of the Central School in Bucharest. She speaks perfectly French and English and has practiced tennis at the �Saint Jose� Academy in Bruxelles. The dimensions of the beautiful officer girl (her father worked for three years at the International NATO Embassy of Romania in Bruxelles) are: 1,74 m, 88-60-90. Alexandra Betiu (1,73m, 52 kg, 90-62-90) is 18 and a half years old, she is a model of the agency run by Carmen Plesea and a student in the first year at the Law School -Spiru Haret University from Bucharest. The press in Taiwan always insists on the fact that she resembles minutely Cameron Diaz. Until this moment contestants from Australia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Germany, Denmark, England, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Armenia, Canada, Brazil, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, have arrived in Taiwan, and these days at least another 10 contestants are expected. The host country is represented by Lyn Yen Chin (19 years old), a famous top-model and a student of the Tourism and Economy University in Taipei. The beautiful green eyed blond speaks English but also Spanish, by reason of she gets along wonderfully with the contestant from Uruguay, Claudia Vanrell (19) years old, a student of the Architectural University in Montevideo. The great majority of contestants that have until now arrived in Taiwan (in the next days envoys are expected from Japan, Philippines, Macao, Hong Kong, Peru, USA, etc) are Economy ((Paullina Camacho - Quito, Ecuador, Viktoria Misakyan - Erevan, Armenia, Nguyen Ai Chau - Vietnam), Psichology (Sophie Jones - England) and Acting (Jane Lundmrk - Queensland, Australia) students or already models. Of Turkish origin, Emel Onurlu represents Denmark, country in which her parents have settled and the host country envoy Lyn Yen Chin is a famous model. Although she is preparing to become an actress, the Australian Jane Lundmark is the image and chief cheerleader of the famous football team Gold Coast �Titans� from Queensland. ----------------------------------------------- 28-10-2007 Alexandra Beldiman şi Alexandra Beţiu, ambele în vârstă de 18 ani, au defilat ieri-seară pe uriaşa scenă a Centrului Cultural din Kaohsiung, o sală cu 10.000 de locuri ce va găzdui finala mondială a concursului Miss Young International 2007. Fetele se află de aproape trei săptămâni în Taiwan, ţara care găzduieşte cea de-a XVI-a ediţie a faimosului concurs. Româncele au concurat în marea finală de la Kaohsiung, al doilea oraş ca mărime după Taipei, alături de reprezentantele a peste 25 de ţări (Uruguay, Ecuador, Germania, Danemarca, Anglia, Thailanda, Malayezia, Vietnam, Armenia, Australia, Canada, Brazilia, Philippine, Hong Kong, Japonia, China, Macao, Singapore, Peru, Nigeria, Taiwan sau Armenia) de pe cinci continente. Organizatorii le-au rezervat concurentelor un program de excepţie, deopotrivă atrăgător şi solicitant. Au vizitat cele mai importante obiective turistice, istorice, culturale şi arhitectonice, colegii şi universităţi de prestigiu, institute tehnologice, parcuri naţionale şi de distracţii, Muzeul Marinei şi Acvariul din oraşele Taichung, Tainan, Pingtung şi Kaohsiung, ultimele două zile ale sejurului fiind rezervate pentru capitala Taipei. Organizatorii au pregătit totul până la cel mai mic detaliu, mai ales că show-ul de ieri-seară a fost preluat live de 42 de posturi tv de pe trei continente. Misiune. Staff-ul organizatoric a avut misiunea să le urmărească pe concurente pe toată durata şederii în Taiwan, ţară care uimeşte prin complexitate, arhitectură şi mai ales tehnologie la cel mai înalt nivel. Premiile National Costume Show, Best Smile, Best Skin, Miss Disco Queen au fost deja acordate reprezentantelor Thailandei, Vietnamului, Angliei, respectiv Taiwanului. Din juriu au făcut parte şi câştigătoarele titlului ediţiilor 1972 – Tokyo, Japonia (Rocio Vallejo Tamayo) şi 2006 – Manila, Philippine (Estefany Sallgado Tomaselly) ale Miss Young International, ambele originare din Ecuador. Ţara gazdă este reprezentată de Lyn Yen Chin (19 ani), un top-model faimos în Asia, studentă a Universităţii de Economie şi Turism din Taipei. Fetele se pregătesc şi pentru finalele unor concursuri în urma cărora se vor desemna câştigătoarele unor premii speciale precum Miss Congeniality, National Costume Show, Best Swimsuit, Best Evening Gown, Best Smile, The Press Princess, Miss Talent, Miss Elegant, Miss Charity, Miss Disco Queen, Best Skin, Best Catwalk, Miss Photogenic, Miss Friendship sau Best Hair" din presa internaţională. Text : Oana Georgescu, Tainan-Taiwan Foto: Camelia Seceleanu & Oana Georgescu Subcategorii
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