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Browsing: Photo_Gallery A,B,C...Z can inspire you «-» Photo_Gallery HARMONY «-» Muzica_genuri si instrumente muzicale «-» Tinerimea_Romana 2008 International Festival `Eduard Pamfil` of Young Guitar Players The 13th Edition of the in Bucharest
Tinerimea_Romana 2008 International Festival `Eduard Pamfil` of Young Guitar Players The 13th Edition of the in BucharestFESTIVALUL INTERNATIONAL AL TINERILOR CHITARISTI `EDUARD PAMFIL` Editia a XIII-a 19, 20, 21 decembrie 2008 Cea de-a treisprezecea editie a Festivalului International al Tinerilor Chitaristi "Eduard Pamfil" se va desfasura la Centrul National de Arta `Tinerimea Romana` din Bucuresti si va cuprinde doua sectiuni: - concurs - recitaluri Concursul de chitara va cuprinde 4 categorii de varsta: A) nascuti dupa 1.01.1998 B) nascuti dupa 1.01.1995 C) nascuti dupa 1.01.1992 D) nascuti dupa 1.01.1983 Deschiderea oficiala va avea loc vineri 19 decembrie, ora 10.00, iar concursul va incepe la ora 11.00 la Centrul National de Arta `Tinerimea Romana` - la categoria A) programul de concurs va fi liber si va avea durata maximã de 8 minute. - la categoria B) programul va avea durata maxima de 12 minute si va cuprinde lucrari din epoci creatoare diferite. - la categoria C) programul va avea durata maxima de 15 minute si va cuprinde: - lucrare din renastere sau baroc - lucrare din perioada clasica sau romantica - program liber in limita timpului ramas - la categoria D) programul va avea durata maxima de 25 de minute si va cuprinde lucrari din epoci creatoare diferite. La Categoria D, Premiul - I - va consta intr-o chitara `Dumitriu` în valoare de 13.100 RON Premiile totale ale concursului la cele patru categorii vor insuma 15.290 RON. Concurentii de la categoria C, vor putea participa si la categoria D. In acest caz vor achita taxa de participare pentru ambele categorii. Taxa de participare la concurs este de 50 ron pentru categoriile A, B si C si 60 ron pentru categoria D. Cazarea participantilor din tara si din strainatate va fi asigurata in conditii de hotel la caminul Grupului Scolar Nichita Stanescu, din str. Lucretiu Patrascanu nr. 3, sect. 3 din data de joi 18 decembrie 2008. Costul integral al cazarii (18, 19 si 20 dec.) pentru elevi si studenti este de 60 ron, iar pentru insotitori de 120 ron. Se ajunge cu troleibuzul nr. 79 de la Gara de Nord pana la statia Grupul Scolar Nichita Stanescu situata chiar in fata grupului scolar, sau cu metroul de la Gara de Nord pana la statia Costin Georgian, situata la o statie de troilebuz distanta de camin. Atat taxa de participare cat si cea pentru cazare vor fi achitate vineri 19 decembrie 2008 dupa deschiderea oficialã. Ordinea intrarii in concurs va fi stabilita de catre organizatori, iar hotararile juriului vor fi definitive. Programul festivalului si ordinea intrarii in concurs vor fi afisate la Centrul National de Arta `Tinerimea Romana` Fisa de participare va fi trimisa pana cel tarziu sambata 29 noiembrie 2008 prin e-mail, fax, sau pe adresa: P-ta Lahovari nr. 7, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania fax: 004 0 21 726.73.46, E-mail: , DUPA ACEASTA DATA NU SE MAI PRIMESC INSCRIERI Decernarea Premiilor si Gala Laureatilor in care vor canta detinatorii Premiului - I - si participantii desemnati de juriu se va desfasura duminica 21 dec. la ora 11.00 in sala de concert a Centrului National `Tinerimea Romana`. Membrii juriului si oaspetii ai festivalului: Constantin Dumitriu, Petre Codreanu, Horia Sabin Dragoi, Catalin Stefanescu-Patrascu, Mihai Cojocaru, Eugen Mang, Beke Istvan, Stefan Trifan, Simona Plesuvu, Ana Chifu, Radu Valcu, Costin Soare si Liviu Georgescu Recitalurile se vor desfasura la sala de concerte a Centrului National de Arta `Tinerimea Romana` din str. Schitu Magureanu nr. 4 vis a vis de Parcul Cismigiu, langa Teatrul Bulandra, sala Izvor, dupa cum urmeaza: Vineri 19 decembrie ora 19.00 Recital: Duo de chitare Catalin Stefanescu – Patrascu & Costin Soare Sambata 20 decembrie ora 19.00 Recital:Duo Ana Chifu - flaut & Radu Valcu – chitara La sectiunea RECITALURI Centrul National de Arta `Tinerimea Romana` va pune in vanzare bilete ce pot fi procurate de la casa de bilete a salii de spectacol. La Gala Lureatilor de duminica 21 dec. intrarea este libera. Eduard Pamfil a studiat psihiatria la celebra universitate Sorbona din Paris, unde si-a obtinut titlul de `doctor in stiinte medicale`. In aceeasi perioada studiaza chitara clasica, tot la Paris, cu unul din cei mai importanti pedagogi ai secolului XX, spaniolul Emilio Pujol. Este primul `chitarist roman` care a concertat la Ateneul Roman, interpretand in compania orchestrei medicilor concertul in La major de Mauro Giuliani. Din 1983 pana in 1990 este membru in juriul Festivalului National de Chitara Clasica de la Sinaia, unde prin interventiile si atitudinea domniei sale, prof. Eduard Pamfil se defineste ca fiind adevaratul ideolog al miscarii chitaristice din Romania. Profesor de chitara si concertist, grafician, poet si eseist sunt cateva din atributele marelui psihiatru si profesor universitar doctor docent ale carui carti de specialitate au fost traduse in mai multe limbi, fiind considerat in continuare unul din fondatorii scolii romanesti de psihiatrie. Prin acest festival, aducem un omagiu celui care a fost intotdeauna un mare prieten al chitarei si al tuturor iubitorilor ei. - - - - - - - - - - `EDUARD PAMFIL` INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF YOUNG GUITAR PLAYERS The 13th Edition - December 19th, 20th and 21th, 2008 The 13th. Edition of the `Eduard Pamfil` International Festival of Young Guitar Players will take place at `Tinerimea Română` National Art Centre in Bucharest and will contain two sections: - the guitar contest - recitals The guitar contest will include 4 age categories: A) participants that were born after January 1st, 1998 B) participants that were born after January 1st, 1995 C) participants that were born after January 1st, 1992 D) participants that were born after January 1st, 1983 The official opening will take place on Friday, December 19th, at 10 a.m., and the contest will begin at 11 a.m. at `Tinerimea Română` National Art Centre. -For category A) the contest programme will be freely chosen and will last for a maximum of 8 minutes; -For category B) the contest programme will last for a maximum of 12 minutes and will include musical pieces from various ages of creation; -For category C) the contest programme will last for a maximum of 15 minutes and will include: - a Renaissance or a Baroque piece; - a Classical or a Romantic piece; - free program for covering the rest of time; -For category D) the contest programme will last for a maximum of 25 minutes and will include works from different periods. For Category D, the 1st Prize will be a `Dumitriu` Guitar valued at RON 13.100 (3.500 Euro). All the other prizes awarded during the contest for the four categories will amount to a total value of RON 15.290 (4.085 Euro). The contestants in Category C will also be allowed to participate in Category D. In this case they will have to pay the participation fee for both categories. The participation fee for the contest shall be of RON 50 (15 Euro) for categories A, B and C, and RON 60 for category D (18 Euro). Participants from within the country and from abroad will be accommodated under hotel conditions at the School Hostel of `Nichita Stănescu` School Unit located in 3, Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu Street, district 3, on Thursday, December 18th 2008. The full costs of accommodation (for December 18th, 19th & 20th) shall be of RON 60 (18 Euro) for school and university students, and of RON 120 (36 Euro) for the adults accompanying them. This Hostel can be reached by Trolley-bus 79 leaving from the North Station and going to the bus stop `Nichita Stănescu School Unit` which is right in front of this School, or by the subway from the North Station to `Costin Georgian` station which is one trolley-bus stop away from the hostel. Both the participation fee and the accommodation fee will be paid on Friday, December 19th 2008 after the official opening. The order of the contestants will be established by the organisers, and the decisions of the jury will be final. The programme of the festival and the order of the contestants will be posted at `Tinerimea Romana` National Art Centre The Participation Card should be sent by Saturday, November 29th, 2008, by e-mail, facsimile or post addressed to: P-ţa Lahovari nr. 7, sector 1, Bucureşti, Romania Facsimile: 004 0 21 726.73.46 E-mail: , CONTESTANTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE The Awards Ceremony and the Winners Gala, where first prize winners and participants designated by the jury will perform, will take place on Sunday, December 21st, at 11 a.m. in the Concert Hall of `Tinerimea Română` National Art Centre Members of the jury and guests: Constantin Dumitriu, Petre Codreanu, Horia Sabin Dragoi, Catalin Stefanescu-Patrascu, Mihai Cojocaru, Eugen Mang, Beke Istvan, Stefan Trifan, Simona Plesuvu, Ana Chifu, Radu Valcu, Costin Soare si Liviu Georgescu Recitals will take place in the Concert Hall of `Tinerimea Română` National Art Centre located in 4, Schitu Magureanu Street, opposite to Cişmigiu Park, and next to Bulandra Theatre, Izvor Hall, as follows: Friday December 19th, at 19 p.m. Recital Duo de chitare Catalin Stefanescu – Patrascu & Costin Soare Saturday December 20th, at 19 p.m. Recital: Duo Ana Chifu - flaut & Radu Valcu – chitara For the RECITALS section `Tinerimea Română` National Art Centre will sell tickets at the ticket booth of the concert hall. At the Winners Gala to take place on Sunday, December 21st entrance is free of charge. Media Partners: TVR, Radio Romania, TVRM, Sapte seri, Observatorul Cultural,,, Communicate, Info, 7 Eduard Pamfil studied psychiatry at the famous university of Paris `Sorbonne` where he obtained the title of doctor in medical sciences. In the same period he studied classical guitar, also in Paris, with one of the most important teachers of the 20th century, Emilio Pujol from Spain. He was the first `Romanian guitarist` who sustained a concert in the Romanian Atheneum, playing together with the orchestra of physicians, the Concerto in A major by Mauro Giuliani. From 1983 until 1990 he was a member in the jury of the National Classical Guitar Festival in Sinaia, and in this position, through his attitude and advice, he became the true ideologist of the guitar movement in Romania. Being a guitar teacher, interpreter, designer, poet and essay writer are just a few of the aspects of the personality of a great psychiatrist and professor whose books have been translated in several languages while he is still considered one of the founding fathers of the Romanian psychiatry school. Through this festival we wish to bring our humble appreciation for a person who was always a great friend of the guitar and of all its lovers. Organisers: THE ROMANIAN GUITAR FOUNDATION phone & fax: 004 0 21 726.73.46 e-mail: , , web site: THE NATIONAL CENTRE OF ART `TINERIMEA ROMANA` C.C.V.T.C.P.M.B. - CENTRUL DE CONSERVARE SI VALORIFICARE A TRADITIEI SI CREATIEI POPULARE AL MUNICIPIULUI BUCURESTI `GEORGE ENESCU` BUCHAREST HIGH SCHOOL Contacts: Prof. Liviu Georgescu - Director of the festival Phone no. 004 0 21 726.73.46, Mobil +4 0 727.396.368, +4 0 745.378.158 Mariana Georgescu – General Secretary Mobil: +4 0 721.277.607, +4 0 743.862.417 Subcategorii
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